Case #1922
Unit: Diamond TT550 585198
This was trial by fire. A lot of first things happened with this case. New machine, new supplier, new problem.
Let me give you the setting on this one. Customer bought this new dishwasher six month prior to this problem. The machine is an imported Italian dishwasher made by Colged. Good machine but a bit too fancy for the North American market. The customer's kitchen is so small that when the dishwasher door is opened there is no room to fart.
I had visited this customer on three earlier occasions for what seemed unrelated problems. First time, the machine did not drain. I found thick food stuff in the drain. The customer was not pre-rising the dishes for sure. Second visit, the rinse pump leaked. The mechanical seal failed on it. The distributor supplied me with a new pump and that was replaced. On my third visit, they had a similar problem to the first time. Because they were also using an old basket from an older machine, pieces of it, a peg blocked the drain.
Now here comes this case. The customer complained the unit would not work anymore, or work very erratically. After a few minutes, I found the electronic board had burnt connections on one of its terminals. I contacted the distributor’s support department and they provided me with a new board and no real explanation for the possible cause. Because the terminal was badly melted I improvised some connections on the new board. A week later they had the same problem. That's when things started to go bad. The distributor decided then to drop this dishwasher line, including warranty, tech support, everything. I tried at the time to plead this case with the factory in Italy directly and managed to get some technical help. They were not impressed with my improvised repair, blamed part of it and the other part they said that this kind of damage is likely cause by water.

I decided it's time for testing the machine with a new board. I was nervous because I didn't find the cause of my board failure. This time I changed for the proper connector (CN10) with the proper pins. For this test, the panel where all the components are is opened in order to see if something happens. Something did happen.
We turned on the unit. It did all the proper sequence for filling, temperatures all were okay. Through all of this I and my assistant are looking with a light for any signs of water leak or smoking wires but see none of it. Now it was time for trying the short wash cycle. This huge quantity of water shoots out from under the door, spraying all the electronics. Madly, we rushed to cut the power. Too late. Lost electronic board number 3. Well, you can imagine the mood I was in. Yes, I swore. More than once.
I realized a couple of things afterward. The customer never mentioned the fact the machine was spilling quite a bit of water. This, in sufficient quantities, can get to the electronic board underneath. It's so happened that the unit did not do this every time for them. It would happen on evening shift where the staff would use the dishwasher differently. I mean differently in a bad way. The day shift never had any problems with this unit only the evening.
It's not the first time that a customer does not tell me the whole story before I start. Anyway. I was left figuring out why that was happening. I knew for a fact that when the dishwasher was installed and first started it didn’t do this. It took me about a week before I finally contacted the factory and ask their opinion. The response was very quick and a bit surprising. They said it is the soft-start system that is blocked. "The what?”
I took this system apart and cleaned it. It was indeed blocked. I put everything back. Put a new board. Covered it with a lot of plastic and started the machine. This time everything worked perfectly.
The machine was brought back to the customer. She told me that she would not let just anyone touch it. It's been working fine since.
Happy ending.
It very helpful for Dishwasher user.thanks
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Can anyone tell the ER 02 meaning on a tt550?